Breast Reduction in Korea | Best Clinics, Costs, Procedure Details & more!


Everything you need to know about getting a breast reduction in Korea!

Breast reduction surgery in Korea, or reduction mammaplasty, is a transformative procedure that not only enhances the appearance but also alleviates the discomfort associated with overly large breasts. In Korea, renowned for its advanced medical techniques and patient care, breast reduction is performed with precision and artistry. This article delves into what breast reduction entails, the unique benefits of undergoing the procedure in Korea, the process involved, and the best clinics (like Lydian Clinic) to consider. Read on to learn more about the cost, aftercare, and alternatives to breast reduction, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. 

What Is Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is a medical procedure designed to alleviate the physical and emotional discomfort caused by disproportionately large breasts. The process involves the removal of excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin, resulting in a breast size more in harmony with the patient's body. The benefits of breast reduction are manifold, including improved body posture, relief from back, neck, and shoulder pain, and a more proportionate figure. Additionally, patients often experience a boost in self-confidence and find it easier to engage in physical activities and choose from a wider range of clothing.

The typical breast reduction procedure involves a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the patient's health, desired outcomes, and the surgical plan. The surgery itself is usually performed under general anesthesia and can take between 2 to 5 hours. Techniques vary, but the most common involves an anchor-shaped incision that allows for significant tissue removal and reshaping. Post-surgery, patients are required to wear a support bra and follow a regimen of care to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of infection.

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are individuals who experience physical and/or emotional discomfort due to large breasts. Below are some key traits that make someone an ideal patient for breast reduction:
  • Physical Discomfort due to Large Breasts: Individuals who suffer from chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain because of the weight of their breasts. This pain often interferes with daily activities and can limit physical activity.
  • Skin Irritations: Those who experience skin irritations or infections in the creases under the breasts due to moisture accumulation, which is common when breasts are large and sag.
  • Breast Asymmetry: Individuals with noticeable asymmetry in breast size can benefit from reduction surgery to balance the size and shape of the breasts, improving body symmetry and proportion.
  • Limitations in Physical Activity: People who find it difficult to engage in physical activities or exercise because of the discomfort or the inability to wear appropriate sports attire due to large breasts.
  • Postural Problems: Those with posture issues stemming from the need to compensate for the weight of their breasts, which can lead to long-term spine and posture problems if not addressed.
  • Overlapping Skin Issues: Individuals facing cutaneous conditions like chronic eczema or infections due to the skin folds created by large, sagging breasts.
  • Mastodynia (Breast Pain): Patients experiencing chronic pain in their breasts not related to the menstrual cycle.
  • Improper Bra Fit: Individuals who struggle to find bras that fit properly, which can lead to shoulder indentations from bra straps and inadequate support, exacerbating physical discomfort.

Have any questions about the best breast reduction clinics in Korea or about the breast reduction procedure? Feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp with any question you might have! Click here to contact us on WhatsApp


Why Get Breast Reduction in Korea

Korea stands out as a premier destination for breast reduction due to its cutting-edge medical infrastructure, highly skilled plastic surgeons, and a strong emphasis on patient satisfaction. Korean clinics are known for their meticulous attention to detail and the ability to deliver aesthetically pleasing results that complement the patient's natural body shape. The country's medical professionals are adept at minimizing scarring and preserving the functionality of the lacteal glands and nipple sensitivity.

Moreover, Korea's dedication to patient care extends beyond the operating room. Clinics in Korea offer comprehensive preoperative examinations and postoperative care, including innovative treatments to reduce swelling and aid in recovery. The combination of advanced surgical techniques, rigorous safety protocols, and personalized care makes Korea an attractive option for those seeking breast reduction.
breast reduction surgery korea

What Does Breast Reduction in Korea Involve

For foreign visitors, undergoing breast reduction in Korea involves a streamlined process that caters to their specific needs. Initial consultations can often be conducted online, with detailed discussions about the patient's goals and the surgical methods available. Upon arrival in Korea, patients undergo thorough pre-surgery exams, including chest X-rays, ECG tests, and blood tests to ensure suitability for surgery and anesthesia.

The surgery is performed by experienced plastic surgeons, often with the assistance of an anesthesiologist, to ensure the patient's comfort and safety. Postoperative care in Korea is exemplary, with continuous observation, specialized treatments to manage swelling, and a dedicated recovery program. Clinics often provide services in multiple languages and have systems in place to accommodate international patients, making the experience as comfortable as possible.
The duration of the breast reduction surgery in Korea typically ranges from 2 to 5 hours, depending on the extent of the reduction and the specific surgical technique employed. However, the entire process from consultation to full recovery spans a longer period. Patients are advised to allocate time for preoperative assessments and postoperative follow-ups. Recovery time varies, with most patients able to resume normal activities within a few weeks, while complete healing and the fading of scars may take several months.

Best Breast Reduction Clinics in Korea

Korea is home to numerous clinics that specialize in breast reduction surgery, each offering a unique blend of expertise, advanced technology, and patient care. These clinics are staffed by board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in breast and body contouring procedures.

Not sure which clinic to contact? Why not use a local medical tourism service that will help you get in contact with the right clinic. Find out more about ShinMedical here. 

1. Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic

Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic in Seoul is renowned for its comprehensive breast reduction procedures tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. Under the guidance of Chief Director Doctor An, the clinic excels in delivering aesthetically pleasing results with minimal scarring. Lydian's approach to breast reduction addresses both aesthetic and health concerns, offering a range of incision types to suit individual preferences.

The clinic's commitment to patient care is evident in its detailed pre- and post-operative procedures, ensuring a safe and satisfying experience. With state-of-the-art equipment and a focus on scar reduction, Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic is an excellent choice for those seeking to regain confidence and comfort.

The choice of incision type offered at Lydian in breast reduction surgery is crucial, as it dictates not only the extent of the reduction and the final appearance of the breasts but also the patient's recovery and scarring. Here's a detailed look at each of the four primary incision techniques used in breast reduction procedures:
  1. Anchor Incision (Typographical Incision): The anchor or typographical incision, known in Korea as the O-shape incision owing to its resemblance to the Korean character 오, is among the most common and comprehensive approaches for breast reduction. This method involves three incisions: one around the perimeter of the areola, another extending vertically from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease, and a third running along the natural curve of the breast crease. The anchor incision is particularly suited for individuals with substantial breast size and significant sagging. It allows for a considerable amount of tissue removal, extensive reshaping, and the repositioning of the nipple-areola complex, thereby offering a more corrective effect and achieving a lifted, more proportionate breast appearance. Due to the nature of this incision, it results in more scarring than other methods, but these scars are strategically placed to be less noticeable.
  2. Lollipop Incision (Vertical Incision): Named for its resemblance to a lollipop, this technique consists of two incisions: one around the areola and a second running vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the breast crease. The lollipop incision is versatile, capable of addressing various breast sizes and shapes. It is particularly beneficial for patients who require a moderate reduction in breast size and have mild to moderate sagging. This method offers a significant lift and allows for the reshaping of the breast with less scarring compared to the anchor incision. The preservation of nipple sensation and the ability to breastfeed post-surgery are notable advantages of this approach.  
  3. Donut Incision (Areola Incision): The donut incision, also known as the periareolar or circumareolar incision, involves a single circular cut made around the areola. This technique is most effective for individuals who need a minor reduction and lift. The primary advantage of the donut incision is its minimal scarring, as the incision is limited to the border of the areola, making it less visible. It is also known for preserving nipple sensation and maintaining the potential for breastfeeding, with a relatively quick recovery period. However, its effectiveness is limited to cases where only small adjustments are needed, as it cannot address significant sagging or allow for large reductions in breast size.
  4. Liposuction Method: Unlike the other techniques that involve cutting and removing skin and tissue, the liposuction method for breast reduction focuses solely on the removal of excess fat from the breasts. This technique is minimally invasive, involving small incisions through which a cannula is inserted to suction out fat. Ideal candidates for this method are those with fatty breast tissue and good skin elasticity, without a need for removing excess skin or lifting the breast. The liposuction method boasts several benefits, including minimal to no visible scarring, reduced recovery time, and a lower risk of losing nipple sensation or the ability to breastfeed. However, it is not suitable for all patients, particularly those with dense breast tissue or significant sagging.

Each of these incision techniques has specific indications and advantages, making the choice highly individualized based on the patient's anatomy, desired outcomes, and the surgeon's recommendation.
Find more info about Lydian Clinic on their official website
breast reduction korea before after

2. Seojin Clinic

Choosing to undergo breast reduction surgery at Seojin Clinic can be a decisive step toward improving both physical and psychological well-being for those suffering from the discomfort and self-consciousness associated with disproportionately large breasts. Seojin Plastic Surgery offers a personalized approach, evaluating each patient's unique body shape to determine the most harmonious breast size and shape. With the availability of advanced techniques such as 3D virtual surgery and specialized breast care equipment, patients can preview potential outcomes and enjoy a rapid and comfortable recovery process.

Dr. Lee Hyungmin, who specializes in breast surgery, personally provides consultations and performs the surgery, applying his extensive expertise to tailor the procedure to each patient's condition and preferences. Additionally, Seojin's comprehensive aftercare treatment options aim to minimize scarring and optimize healing, demonstrating their dedication to achieving satisfactory results and preventing complications.

Find more info about Seojin Plastic Surgery Clinic on their official website

3. 365mc

365mc, also known as the 'Fat Tower,' is a clinic with a sterling reputation for obesity treatment and has recently expanded its expertise to include breast reduction surgery. With over 20 years of experience and a team of approximately 670 professionals, 365mc is a pioneer in 'Artificial Intelligence Liposuction' and emphasizes accurate diagnoses and comprehensive aftercare. The clinic's dedication to patient satisfaction and safety management makes it a reliable option for those looking to reduce breast size and improve their quality of life.
Find more info about 365mc on their official website


Breast Reduction Aftercare

After undergoing breast reduction surgery, patients need to adhere to a specific aftercare regimen to ensure optimal healing and maintain the results. This includes wearing a surgical or supportive bra for several weeks, managing pain with prescribed medication, and avoiding strenuous physical activities. It's crucial to follow the surgeon's instructions regarding wound care and to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments. Swelling and bruising are expected to subside within a few weeks, and sensation in the breast skin and nipples may gradually return. Scars are permanent but will fade over time and are typically placed to be less noticeable.

Cost of Breast Reduction in Korea

The cost of breast reduction in Korea is generally lower than in the USA, making it a cost-effective option for many patients. While the average cost of breast reduction in the USA is around $6,771, prices in Korea can vary depending on the clinic and the complexity of the procedure. It's important to note that the quoted price often covers the surgeon's fee but may not include anesthesia, operating room facilities, or other related expenses. Despite the lower costs, the quality of care and the expertise of Korean surgeons are on par with, if not superior to, those in the USA. This cost-effectiveness, combined with the high standards of Korean medical services, makes the country an attractive destination for breast reduction surgery.

Alternatives to Breast Reduction

For those who may not be ready for surgery or are looking for less invasive options, there are alternatives to breast reduction:
  • Breast Lift (Mastopexy): This procedure raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. It's suitable for those with sagging breasts but does not significantly reduce breast size. 
  • Liposuction: While not as effective at reducing breast size as traditional reduction surgery, liposuction can remove excess fat from the breasts, resulting in a moderate decrease in size with minimal scarring. 
  • Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes: Some individuals may find relief through weight loss, physical therapy, and wearing supportive bras, although these methods cannot replace the results achieved through surgical reduction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of large breasts by removing excess fat, tissue, and skin. It aims to alleviate discomfort and improve the proportionality of the breasts to the rest of the body.

What is the cost of Breast Reduction in Korea?

The cost of breast reduction in Korea varies by clinic and the specifics of the procedure but is generally more affordable than in the USA. Patients should consider all related expenses, such as anesthesia and aftercare, when evaluating the total cost.

What is the best clinic for Breast Reduction in Korea?

The best clinic for breast reduction in Korea will depend on the patient's individual needs and preferences. Clinics like Lydian Plastic Surgery Clinic, 365mc, and THE PLUS Plastic Surgery are among the top choices, known for their expertise, advanced technology, and exceptional patient care.